Empower. Heal. Grow.
We can do this together.
We are challenged daily with the task of maintaining wellness, practicing authenticity, and developing sustainability and effectiveness within ourselves, as well as in our communal structures. Whether it's day-to-day tasks and decisions, or a broad implementation of strategic models, we are challenged with these similar practices. Therefore, my goal is to supportively educate individuals, small groups, organizations, institutions, and businesses who are endeavoring in improvement and growth. I seek to challenge and empower all that we are innately equipped to develop into our most healthy, most authentic, and most productive selves. Through my coaching, shared testimony, and gritty love, we will become more than we ever planned to be. And, it will be rewarding.
Who is Dr. Bee?

Greetings! I am Dr. April Bee, a Wellness Liberation Coach, Writer, Transformational Speaker, and Artivist. One thing that keeps me fueled is expressing and promoting empowerment in diverse communities to dismantle social and environmental injustice, combat oppression, and amplify the voices of those who were once considered voiceless. Along with this, I lead and equip communities, services, and businesses to be at the highest productivity and sustainability through empathy, education, empowerment, and of course, excellence. I combine my artistry, wisdom, and testimony to empower others to endeavor in facing and conquering life’s challenges to energize restoration and fulfillment.
From losing my mother as a child, to enduring assault and severe health barriers, to overcoming suicidal attempts and braved trauma, I managed to persevere in resilience and become a Tenure-Track Professor at age 23, served as the Director of Multicultural Affairs at 25, but had the true resiliency to walk away from the chase of pretentious roles and follow my designed purpose. With professionalism and poise, I seek to ignite the power each individual possesses to revitalize and thrive as their best selves, as I have been challenged to do in my journey.
Through it all, I remain dedicated to faith, self-efficacy, love, and justice to create a unified movement of healing for diverse communities. Even with starting my own holistic wellness platform and business, becoming an uprising artist, blogger, and podcaster with over 1500 followers, and completing a Doctoral Degree in Social Work before age 30, my mission towards authenticity and wellness is just beginning. Now that you know a little about me, I want to learn more about you!
Satisfied Connections
Take it From the Experts.
“April is the definition of inspiration, vulnerability, strength, perseverance, prosperity, transparency, and excellence.”
Law Enforcement Professional
“April has the charisma to entice an audience while identifying with each individual in her presence. You leave any event she speaks at with a refreshing sense of peace that is not commonly found in today's society.”
Medical Professional
“It is comforting to finally see someone who looks like me to be so incredibly bold, confident, and transparent when discussing vulnerable topics. April gives wisdom and hope to us that we can be our true selves.”
Graduate Student
Valued Experiences
Past and Current Experiences
Here lists the institutions, organizations, and businesses that I have connected with in delivering speaking services, training, and/or executive coaching. Each connection fulfills honor and respect in my professional trajectory.

Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, Missouri
Keynote Speaker
Faculty, Staff, Students
Identity and Purpose

Baylor University
Waco, Texas
Workshop Presentation, Training (Created and Administered)
Staff, Students
Cultivating Diversity, Community, and Identity

Abilene Christian University
Abilene, Texas
Training (Created and Administered), Executive Coaching, Chapel Speaker
Faculty, Residential Directors, Student Life, Admissions, Senior Leadership Team
Cultural Awareness, Community Restoration, and Identity

Lincoln University
Jefferson City, Missouri
Training (Created and Administered), Keynote Speaker
Faculty, Staff, Administration, Students
Cultural Competency and Cultivating an Inclusive Learning Environment for Student Success

Columbia, Missouri
Keynote Speaker
Local Women Professionals
Braving Identity and Purpose

Secret Curl Society
Abilene, Texas
Keynote Speaker, Model, Guest Columnist
Local Women Professionals and Leaders
Identity and Self-Empowerment, Community Connection

Columbus, Ohio
Training (Created and Administered), Group Coaching
Men 18-25 involved in Criminal Justice System
Identity, Relationships, Healthy Living, Holistic Wellness

Internet-Based Platform
Guest Columnist
Millennial-Aged Followers
Community Wellness, Individual Vulnerability and Healing
So what do you need?

RAW Honey Wellness and Coaching, LLC
Stay connected to the Hive!
RAW Honey Wellness and Coaching is a platform created by Dr. April Bee. RAW Honey WC is an expressive culture that energizes explorative clients into a transformational and enriching journey, innovatively utilizing authenticity and empathetic strategies. The X-Factor of RAW Honey WC is utilizing the combination of artistic expression and innovative, person-first strategies to induce holistic and sustainable wellness. Check out the platform, and subscribe!